New 15 Bar 10 m3/min air compressor renewal.
We are renewing our 2 old energy inefficient air compressors with one new larger energy efficient compressor . TTS requires a minimum of 13.8 bar for its manufacturing process.
Tender timeline:
Start: Monday 14th November 2022 at 2pm
Finish: Friday 26th November 2022 at 3pm.
Installation Timeline:
4 months – Deadline for installation – March 31st, 2023.
Selection Process:
Price 70% – quality 20%
Scoring criteria – See table below
Bids will be scored against these criteria as follows:
5 – Very good
The standard of the response is very high and the relevance of the response and the supporting evidence is very comprehensive and provides the purchasing company with a very high level of confidence in the bidder’s experience, capacity and capability to meet the purchasing company’s requirements
4 – Good
The response is comprehensive and supported by a good standard of relevant evidence and provides the purchasing company with a good standard of confidence in the bidder’s experience, capacity, and capability to meet its requirements.
3 – Satisfactory
The response is satisfactory and supported by an acceptable standard of relevant evidence but with some reservations/issues not addressed. The purchasing company is satisfied with the bidder’s experience, capacity and capability to meet its requirements.
2 – Unsatisfactory
Large portions of the response are not satisfactory and/or are not supported by a satisfactory level of evidence and the purchasing company has limited confidence in the bidder’s experience, capacity and capability to meet its requirements.
1 – Weak
The response and/or the evidence are deficient (or not relevant) in the majority of areas and the purchasing company has a low level of confidence in the bidder’s experience, capacity and capability to meet its requirements.
0 – Poor
No response and/or evidence is unacceptable or non-existent, or there is a failure to properly address any issue. The purchasing company does not have any confidence in the bidder’s experience, capacity and ability to meet its requirements.
Please note that this is not a contract for the West of England Combined Authority.
For further details of this opportunity please contact: Daniel Collins, Director, 07905398805,